Thursday, December 31, 2020

Spoken English Part-2 : Shopping For a Sweater



A. Can I help you?

=> আমি আপনাকে সাহায্য করতে পারি? 

B. Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.

=>হ্যাঁ, আমি একটি সুয়েটার খুজছি।

A. What size are you? 

=> আপনার সাইজ /মাপ কি?

B. I'm an extra large.

=> আমার একটি বড় সাইজ প্রয়োজন।  

A. How about this one?

=> এইটা কেমন? 

B. Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on?

=> হ্যাঁ, এটা চলে। আমি কি এটা পড়ে দেখতে পারি?

A. Certainly, there's the changing room over there. 

=> নিশ্চয়, ওখানে জামা বদলানোর জায়গা আছে।

B. Thank you. 

=> ধন্যবাদ 

A. How does it fit?

=> এটা কি ঠিক আছে? 

B. It's too large. Do you have a smaller size? 

=> এটা একটু বড়। আপনার কাছে  এর চেয়ে ছোট সাইজের আছে কি?

A. Yes, here you are.

=> হ্যাঁ, এই নিন। 

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B. Thank you. I'll have it, please. 

=> ধন্যবাদ। আমি এটা নিব।

A. OK, how would you like to pay? 

=> ঠিক আছে। আপনি কিভাবে টাকা প্রদান করতে চান?

B. Do you take credit cards? 

=> আপনরা কি ক্রেডিট কার্ড গ্রহণ করেন ?

A. Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express. 

=>হ্যাঁ, আমরা করি। ভিসা, মাস্টার কার্ড এবং আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস। 

B. OK, here's my Visa.

=> ও আচ্ছা,  এই নিন আমার ভিসা।

A. Thank you. Have a nice day! 

=> ধন্যবাদ।  আপনার দিনটি সুন্দর হউক।

B. Thank you, goodbye.

=> আপনাকেও ধন্যবাদ, বিদায়। 

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Spoken Part- 1/ Conversation


Using dialogues to help anybody develop their conversation skills 

is common practice in English. One of the main advantages to 

using dialogues is that people are given a rubric as a basis on 

which they can then build. Once they have become comfonable 

using a dialogue, they can then go on to have related conversa-

tions building on their familiarity with the dialogue and the vo-

cabulary specific to the situation. 

Here are links to various dialogues, which can use in the daily life. 

Each dialogue is presented in full and focuses on a specific topic. 

INTROdUCTioNS /  পরিচয় :

A. Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name? 

=> ওহে, আমার নাম পিটার. আপনার নাম কী?

B. Jessy

=> জেসি

A. Where are you from Jessy? 

=> আপনি কোথায় থাকেন জেসি?

B. I'm from London . Where are you from? 

=>  আমি লন্ডন থাকি। আপনি কোথায় থাকেন? 

A. I'm from Madrid.

=> আমি মাদ্রিদ থাকি। 

B. Are you American?

=> আপনি কি একজন আমেরিকান? 

A. Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?

=>হ্যাঁ, আমি আমেরিকান। আপনি কি স্প্যানিশ? 

B. Yes I am.

=> হ্যাঁ, আমি স্প্যানিশ।



YouTube :


Hello /হ্যালো বা ওহে

A. Hello, Peter. How are you? 

=> হ্যালো, পিটার। তুমি কেমন আছ?

B. Fine, thanks. How are you? 

=>ভালো আছি,ধন্যবাদ। তুমি কেমন আছ?

A. I'm fine too, thank you. 

=> আমিও ভালো আছি, ধন্যবাদ তোমাকে। 

Goodbye /শুভ বিদায় 

A. Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow! 

=> শুভ বিদায়, জেনিত। আগামীকাল দেখা হবে।

B. Bye bye, Peter. Have a nice evening. 

=> বিদায় বিদায়, পিটার। তোমার সন্ধাটি শুভ হোক।

A. Thanks, you too! 

=> ধন্যবাদ, তোমারও!

B. Thanks. 

=> ধন্যবাদ। 

WhAT TiME is it? .. I / সময় কত বা কয়টা বাজে?-১:

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? 

=> এই যে শুনুন।আপনি কি দয়াকরে সময়টা আমাকে বলতে পারবেন? 

B. Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock.

=> হ্যাঁ, অবশ্যই। এখন ৭ টা বাজে।

A. Thank you.

=> ধন্যবাদ। 

B. No problem.

=> কোন সমস্যা নেই বা আরে কোন ব্যাপার না।

WhAT TiME is iT? .. II / সময় কত -২:

A. What time is it? 

=> কয়টা বাজে?

B. It's half past three. 

=> এখন সাড়ে তিনটা বাজে (৩.৩০)।

A. Thanks. 

=> ধন্যবাদ 

B. You're welcome.

=> আপনাকে স্বাগতম।

Kawsar Ahamed

Founder & CEO, The KA Academy

Author : Easy Way To Learn British Accent 

★ বইটি পেতে কল করুন ☎ 01758967934

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Fucking " একটি গ্রামের নাম


Fucking" এই বহুল পরিচিত শব্দটির সাথে আমরা সবাই ওয়াকিবহাল। কিন্তু আপনি জানেন কি Fucking একটি সুন্দর গ্রামের নাম?

অবাক হচ্ছেন!  অবাক হওয়ার কিছু নেই আপনি ঠিকই শুনেছেন।  " Fucking " গ্রামটি অস্ট্রিয়াতে অবস্থিত, যেটি ৬ শতাব্দীতে একজন বিখ্যাত নোবেল ম্যান Focko এর নামে নামকরণ করা হয়েছে।

It is first recorded in historical sources with the spelling as Vucchingen in 1070, Fukching in 1303, Fugkhing in 1532, and in the modern spelling Fucking in the 18th century.

ছোট্ট এই সুন্দর গ্রামটি তে মাত্র ১০৬ জন মানুষের বসবাস।  Fucking শব্দটি সাধারণত ভগ্ন রাস্তায় ট্রাফিক সাইন বোর্ড হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে,যা বিদেশি পর্যটকদের চরমভাবে আকর্ষিত করে। এই নাম পরিবর্তনের জন্য অনেক দর্শনার্থীই পরামর্শ দিয়েছিলেন কিন্তু সেখানকার মেয়র সেটা করেনি।

অনেক সমালোচনার পর একদিন মেয়র গ্রামের নামটি পরিবর্তনের জন্য ভোটের ব্যবস্থা করেন,কিন্তু আপসোস, কেউ তা পরিবর্তনের জন্য ভোট দেইনি। 

এই সাইনটি এতই জনপ্রিয় ছিল যে সবাই এখানে শুধু নিজের ছবি তুলার জন্যই ভ্রমণে আসতো। একদা এটি চুরি হয়ে গিয়েছিল। তারপর এই এলাকার মেয়র সেখানে CCTV camera স্থাপন করে যাতে কেউ সেখানে যৌনসংগম বা  সেক্সুয়াল দৃশ্য ধারণ করতে না পারে।

এখানে Fucking মানে বুঝায় (place of) Focko's people.

এই গ্রামটি নিয়ে আরও অনেক মজার তথ্য আছে যা আপনি চাইলে জেনে নিতে পারেন।

কিন্তু দুঃখের বিষয় এইযে, ২০২০ সালের ১৭ নভেম্বর কাউন্সিল অফ টারসডর্ফ এটার অফিসিয়াল নাম পরিবর্তনের সিদ্ধান্ত নে, যা "Fugging" নামে ২০২১ সালের জানুয়ারি থেকে কার্যকর হবে। কিন্তু এটার উচ্চারণ  "Fucking " এর মতই হবে।

Kawsar Ahamed

Founder & CEO, The KA Academy 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Self Defence Techniques For Women


Self Defence Techniques For Women 

Nowadays, women are not safe at all in our society most importantly in our country actually, it's a fundamental issue, which is seen daily in TV, newspapers, and social media. 

Girls are abusing and sometimes being raped here and there by teasers, including teenagers, middle-aged guys and even old men. Besides, you already know what actually occurs with girls at that moment.

 A total of 892 incidents of rape happened in Bangladesh in the last eight months since January, a report has said.

Besides, there were 192 incidents of rape attempts, 41 died due to injuries after rape, and nine died by suicide after being raped, the report said.

So to protect yourself from this heinous crime you have to fight against the rapists, as the government hasn't taken any strict steps to demolish this crime.

Now let's talk about how to protect yourself :

First of all, we have to know what Self-defence is.

Self-defense is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available in many jurisdictions.

There are many ways to fight against them but in this article, we will learn some crucial techniques. Let's get started.

The Most Effective Body Parts to Hit

 (This is no time to be civil. In a physical confrontation that calls for self-defense, it's hurt or be hurt.) So aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knee, and legs.

Pay attention to your surroundings

 "Be aware of your surroundings — don't be on your cellphone when you're walking to your car or street ," experts  said. Women also should present strong body language and walk confidently, said Melissa Soalt, a martial-arts expert who teaches self-defense techniques.

How to stay safe if you aren’t physically able to protect yourself

However, if you don’t feel confident you’re able to physically handle an attacker, take these precautions:

Safety tips:

Stay in a well-lit public area. Don’t go home or turn away from crowds. Walk into a store or a coffee shop and ask for help.

Call the police. Find a well-lit public area and dial 911 or your local emergency services if you feel you’re in danger.

Carry protection. Whether pepper spray, a personal safety alarm, or a lipstick taser, self-defense tools can help you feel more at ease.

8 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Needs to Know


8 moves to try

Protection alternatives

Set boundaries

Get extra training

1. Hammer strike

Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. Don’t use your fingernails, because you’re more at risk to injure your hands.

Instead, if you feel unsafe while walking at night, have your keys stick out from one side of your fist for hammer strikes.

Another way to use your keys is to click them onto a lanyard to swing at your attacker.

To perform:

Hold your key ring in a tight fist, like holding a hammer, with keys extending from the side of your hand.

Thrust downward toward your target.

2. Groin kick

If someone is coming at you from the front, a groin kick may deliver enough force to paralyze your attacker, making your escape possible.

To perform:

Stabilize yourself as best you can.

Lift your dominant leg off the ground and begin to drive your knee upward.

Extend your dominant leg, drive hips forward, slightly lean back, and kick forcefully, making contact between your lower shin or ball of your foot and the attacker’s groin area.

Alternative: If your attacker is too close, thrust your knee toward the groin. Make sure you’re stabilized and not at risk of falling over.

3. Heel palm strike

This move can cause damage to the nose or throat. To execute, get in front of your attacker as much as is possible.

To perform:

With your dominant hand, flex your wrist.

Aim for either the attacker’s nose, jabbing upward from the nostrils, or underneath the attacker’s chin, jabbing upward at the throat.

Make sure to recoil your strike. Pulling your arm back quickly will help thrust the attacker’s head up and back.

This will cause your attacker to stagger backward, allowing you to escape their grasp.

Alternative: An open palm to the ears can be very disorienting.

4. Elbow strike

If your attacker is in close range and you’re unable to get enough momentum to throw a strong punch or kick, use your elbows.

To perform:

If you can, stabilize yourself with a strong core and legs to ensure a powerful blow.

Bend your arm at the elbow, shift your weight forward, and strike your elbow into your attacker’s neck, jawline, chin, or temple. These are all effective targets.

This may cause your attacker to loosen their grip, allowing you to run.

5. Alternative elbow strikes

Depending on how you’re standing when you’re initially attacked, you may be in a better position for variations on the elbow strike.

To perform from the front:

Lift your elbow to shoulder height.

Pivot on the same-side foot and allow your hips to rotate, creating more momentum into the front part of your elbow when you strike.

To perform from the side and back:

Make sure you see the target.

Bring your elbow up and pivot your opposite foot, rotating your hips and turning into the target, making contact with the back part of your elbow.

6. Escape from a ‘bear hug attack’

For cases where the attacker is coming from behind, you’ll want to use this move. Focus on getting low and creating space to free yourself.

To perform:

Bend forward from the waist. This shifts your weight forward, making it more difficult for your attacker to pick you up. It also gives you a better angle to throw elbows from side to side to the attacker’s face.

Turn into the attacker with one of your elbows and continue counter attacking.

This should give you space to turn fully, using another move to injure the face or strike the groin. With the space these moves have created, you may be able to escape and run away.

7. Escape with hands trapped

If your attacker comes from behind and traps your arms (this is similar to a bear hug, but you won’t be able to move as freely), here’s what to do:

First reaction should be to stop your attacker’s arms from going higher into a headlock. Shift your hips to one side. This gives an opening for strikes to the groin with open-handed slaps.

Bring your hand back up to your arms and raise your opposite elbow to turn into the wrap. Keep your arms tight to your chest as you’re turning in.

Stay aggressive with your knees and other counterattacks until you can disengage.

8. Escape from side headlock

When the attacker locks their arm around your head from the side, your first instinct should be to avoid getting choked.

To perform:

Turn into the attacker’s side as much as possible to avoid being choked.

With your hand that’s furthest away, strike the groin with open-handed slaps until you have enough mobility to turn your head all the way out to disengage.

To be fit, you can exercise and go to the gym or Yoga is one of the most significant way to be fit. Be valorous, be fit and fighter and save yourself.

© Kawsar Ahamed, Yoga Expert

The Power of Words


The Power of Words 

Words are much  more powerful than any other things in this planet. A word can make someone happy, a word can make war or quarrel ; a word can motivate someone to grow up, a word can break up the long time relationship; a word can make enemy and a word can fall in love with someone.

And what not the words can do what others don't. That's why, use your words in a good time and to the right persons. Then you can benefited by them and can get your opportunities easily.  Remember one thing is:

        Think million times before talking ;

        don't put your words in vain places,

       because it can be perilous for you.


You have to know another thing too that's -  thinking is difficult, that's why, most people judge. And never give a fuck what other people think of you.

Over 7 million people in this globe, you one of them and possess a unique quality or skill - just attempt to find out that then move on ; you'll be succeeded before long.

Kawsar Ahamed

Founder & CEO, The KA Academy

How to get free IELTS certificate

 How to get a free IELTS score with a certificate from British Council.

IELTS or elaborately, International English Language Test System is a test of English language  proficiency which is valued globally.

It’s used for many intentions namely, to study abroad, to settle foreign countries or immigration ; to get a top position in a Multinational company and to get a handsome salary.

I don’t wanna illustrate it anymore , because you already know about it, especially, its process, parts, costs and exam systems.

My today’s topic is how to get a free IELTS score easily online.

It's a really amazing system to take part in the test by using an app. So let’s get started.

Step -1 : First of all, you have to install an app named “ British Council – English Test Score from play store.

Be cautious while installing this app,there would be seen  more similar apps.

Step -2 : Now open the app by connecting your data, then signs in with your account whatsoever you prefer – google, facebook or gmail.

Step -3 : After signing in, you can see a surface then scroll and click on the “Take Test “ button. Now your test will begin.

It can take around 30 – 40 minutes to finish the test. After completing your test, you can see your score on every part.

You can take the test whenever you want and many times you can actually.

But one condition is : if you want to get the certificate you have to pay a nominal fee.

Thank you.

YouTube :

Kawsar Ahamed

Founder & CEO, The KA Academy


Monday, December 7, 2020

Dead President অর্থ ডলার বা টাকা, কিন্তু কেন?


আজকে আমরা একটি মজার Slang নিয়ে কথা বলব। আমরা সবাই Dollar শব্দটির সাথে পরিচিত, যা একটি কাগজের মুদ্রা বিভিন্ন দেশে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।

Dollar বলতে আমরা আমদের ভাষায় Money বা টাকা কে তুলনা করতে পারি। কিন্তু এই dollar এর আরো একটি অদ্ভুত নাম আছে, সেটা হচ্ছে - "Dead President " যা দ্বারা কাগজের মুদ্রাকেই বুঝানো হয়।

এবার আসুন জেনে নেই কেন dollar কে dead president বলা হয়।


Definition: American paper money. 

Example:  It seems like Bill Gates has all the dead presidents in 

the world. 

Etymology: American dollar bills are decorated with pictures of 

great American heroes, most of whom are deceased former Presi-


Synonyms: bucks

আপনারা লক্ষ্য করলে দেখবেন যে আমেরিকার মুদ্রায় সাধারণত মানুষের ছবি যুক্ত করা থাকে।

আর এখান থেকে বুঝা যায় যে আমেরিকান কাগজের মুদ্রায় বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তিদের ছবি যুক্ত থাকে, যাদের অধিকাংশ ছিলেন প্রাক্তন প্রেসিডেন্ট।

এজন্য dollar এর আরেক নাম dead president বলা হয়, যদিও এটা ইনফর্মাল।

আরো মজার মজার Slang বা English শিখতে আমাদের ফেইসবুক পেজ ও YouTube channel এ ভিজিট করুন।

শেয়ার করে আপনার বন্ধুদের জানিয়ে দিতে বুলবেন না কিন্তু।

Kawsar Ahamed

Founder & CEO, The KA Academy

Author of : Easy Way To Learn British Accent

বইটি পেতে কল করুন : ০১৭৫৮৯৬৭৯৩৪

Friday, December 4, 2020

Some Crucial Letters Sounds

  Some Crucial Letters Sounds



Letters  are the most important things in the language, and its sound should be accurate otherwise listeners won't apprehend what you speak. 

So make sense to someone whatever we speak in front of them - accent has a vital rule. In this lesson, we will talk about some significant letters sound. Here we go -

C = kh/ খ => Catch (খ্যাচ), Cat(খ্যাট),Cancel (খ্যান্সেল).

K = kh/খ => Kiss(খিস), Keep (খিপ),Kite(খাইট).

T = Th/ ঠ => Time(ঠাইম), Table ( ঠেইবল), Tea (ঠি).

P = ph/ফ => People (ফিপল), Pencil (ফেন্সিল), Public (ফাবলিক).

Q = kh/ খ = Quickly (খুয়িক্লি), Queen (খুইন), Quality ( খুয়ালিঠি).

Hearing these sounds, you're probably laughing. But this is the real accent of the English language. 

To be a smart speaker, this kind of accent or British accent you must follow. Besides,  to communicate globally you need to know the tricks and rules of pronunciation . 

Now it's your turn to practice yourself. Before that, let's have a look again on the table:






Kidnap (খিডন্যাপ)



 Popular (ফফিউলা(র)